DIGRAPH - Two consonants that make one sound: wh, sh, ch, th, ck, GLUED SOUND - Letters that keep their sounds but are glued together: all, am, ang, ink, SHORT VOWEL - A vowel that says a short sound. , LONG VOWEL - A vowel that says its name. , DIGRAPH BLEND - A digraph blended with another consonant ., CONSONANT BLEND - Two or three consonants next to each other but that keep their own sound. , CLOSED SYLLABLE - The vowel is followed by one or more consonants (closed in) and is short. , OPEN SYLLABLE - The vowel is at the end of the word or syllable which makes it long. , BASEWORD - A word that can stand by itself before a suffix is added. , SUFFIX - A letter or group of letters that are added to the end of a word to change its meaning., VOWEL-CONSONANT-e - It has a vowel, then a consonant, then an e. The vowel is long, the e is silent., BONUS LETTER - The vowel is a short vowel and the letter ends in a -f, -l, or -s., BREVE - A symbol that marks a short vowel., MACRON - A symbol that marks a long vowel.,
Fundations Level 1 Review
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