Funcionalist Perspective: School teaches valuable skills to young people, preparing them for success in adulthood, Social media is the primary source of bullying in the last 10 years, Children who are neglected or given little guidance by family develop social problems as adults. Often they are unable to function in the outside world , Conflict Perspective: Colleges may admit on the basis of family legacy or university donors, which usually excludes minorities, Citizens may feel as though their government is corrupt, which causes protests and tension can occur, While children do have rights, parents may punish or reward their children depending on the situation, Interactionalist Perspective (Symbolic Interaction): Applicants will dress professionally for an interview in hopes to land a job, Military salute higher ranking memebers of the seervice and always use the terms "sir" and "ma'am" in conversation, Police are trained how to respond to types of situations differently to prevent conflict,

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