He loves to play basketball. - He doesn't love to play basketball., We sing songs all together. - We don't sing songs all together., It smells very delicious in the kitchen. - It doesn't smell very delicious in the kitchen., The sun rises at the east. - The sun doesn't rise at the east., We go to a gallery every Sunday. - We don't go to a gallery every Sunday., You have a big house. - You don't have a big house., She thinks he is very handsome. - She doesn't think he is very handsome., He goes to school. - He doesn't go to school., We go to the gym together. - We don't go to the gym together., She goes to work by car. - She doesn't go to work by car., They sleep in the afternoon. - They don't sleep in the afternoon., We cook every day. - We don't cook every day., The earth goes round the sun. - The earth doesn't go round the sun., He gets up early every day. - He doesn't get up early every day., They speak English in USA. - They don't speak English in USA., He has some schoolwork to do. - He doesn't have some schoolwork to do., The train leaves in ten minutes. - The train doesn't leave in ten minutes., Pigs like milk. - Pigs don't like milk.,

Change the sentences from positive to negative (Present Simple)



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