Morphine - May be given IV or epidurally. Rapidly crosses the placenta. Can cause decrease in FHR variability. Can cause bother maternal and neonatal CNS depression. Decreases contractions, Mepridine (Demerol) - May be given IV, intrathecally, or epidurally with maximnal fetal uptake 2-3 hours after admibnistration. Can cause CNS depression, decreases fetal variability, Butorphanol (Stadol) - Can be given IV, Rapidly transferred acrss placenta. Can Cause neonatal respiratory depression, Nalbuphine (Nubain) - Is given IV. Causes less maternal nausea and vomiting. Causes decreased FHR variability, fetal bradycardia, and repsiratory depression, Fentanyl (Sublimaze) - Given IV or epidurally. Can cause maternal hypotension, and maternal and fetal respiratory depression. Rapidly crosses the placenta,

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