air pressure - weight or force of air in the atmosphere pushing down on something, Differences in air pressure cause... - wind., Differences in air pressure are caused by... - changes in temperature., The larger the difference in air pressure... - the faster the wind blows., Warm air - rises, Cold air - sinks, Air ALWAYS likes to move from areas of high pressure to... - areas of low pressure., high pressure system - air is heavy and sinks; brings cool, clear, fair weather, low pressure system - air is light and rises; brings warm, wet, cloudy weather, Continental polar - cold, dry air mass that forms over land in polar regions, Continental tropical - warm/hot, dry air mass that forms over land in tropical regions, Maritime polar - cold and wet/moist air mass that forms over oceans in the in polar regions, Maritime tropical - wet, warm air mass that forms over oceans in tropical regions, warm front - steady rain, nimbostratus clouds, warmer temperatures follow , cold front - thunderstorms or other severe weather, cumulonimbus clouds, cooler temperatures follow, occluded front - strong winds and heavy precipitation, stationary front - clouds and precipitation lasting several days, front - the boundary where two air masses meet and weather occurs,
Fronts, Air Pressure, & Air Masses
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