Present Simple: for habits, repeated actions and routines, for always true facts, for dramatic effect when telling a story, with adverbs of frequency (to say how often), with state verbs, do/does, MVo/s, Present Continuous : for an action in progress now, for an action in progress around now, for a temporary action, for an action that is changing or developing, with always for annoying habits or things viewed negatively, am/is/are + MVing, Present Perfect : for a completed action at an unspecified time in the past (general experience), states that started in the past and continue to now (STATE VERBS), finished past action with a present result - the focus is on the result, have/has + MVed/3, Present Perfect Continuous: to emphasise the long duration of an action, actions that started in the past and continue to now (STATE VERBS), recent long action with a present result (often a side effect) – the focus is on the action, have/has been + MVing,

Gold Experience B2 present tenses rules



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