Correct: The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas, Solid particles vibrate, Liquid particles move freely, Gas particles move freely, Melting = solid to liquid, Freezing = liquid to solid, Evaporating = liquid to gas, Condensing = gas to liquid, Gas particles move very quickly in all directions, Solid particles cannot move from place to place, Particles in solids and liquids are close together, When a substance warms up, its particles move faster, When a substance cools down, its particles move slower, Solids and liquids cannot be compressed, Gases can be compressed, Incorrect: The three states of matter are ice, water and steam, Solid particles move freely, Liquid particles vibrate, Gas particles vibrate, Freezing = solid to liquid, Melting = liquid to solid, Condensing = liquid to gas, Evaporating = gas to liquid, Gas particles move very slowlyin all directions, Solid particles can move from place to place, Particles in solids and liquids are far apart, When a substance warms up, its particles move slower, When a substance cools down, its particles move faster, Solids and liquids can be compressed, Gases cannot be compressed,
States of Matter & Changes of State
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