1) You need to get someone to cut the grass in the gardens. Who do you ask? a) The Policeman b) The baker c) The gardener d) the housewife e) the teacher f) the MP 2) Which of these signs tell you not to block the classroom door? a) Keep locked shut b) Fire Escape. Keep Clear. c) Frie door. Keep Closed. d) Fire door e) Do not enter f) Stop 3) Lakeside Primary School became an academy on: a) 1st November 2000 b) 1st November 2010 c) 1st November 2012 d) 1st November 2014 e) 1st November 2019 f) 1st November 2020 4) First I make a cup of coffee. Then I do my homework. Then I have my dinner. Then I read my book. Then I watch the television. What do I do third? a) make a cup of coffee b) do my homework c) have my dinner d) read my book e) watch the television 5) My name is Jane. I live in Doncaster. I work in Doncaster. I am a teacher. I really enjoy job. Choose the statement that is not a complete sentence. a) My name is Jane b) I live in Doncaster c) I work in Doncaster d) I am a teacher. e) I really enjoy job. 6) Choose all of the words that are not spelt correctly a) Wedesday b) Thirsday c) Friday d) Satday e) Sunday f) Monday 7) Choose all of the words that should start with a capital letter. a) beth b) bath c) bin d) buy e) mr f) mrs 8) Choose the missing letter for the word E...ster a) a b) b c) c d) d e) e f) f

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