Binary - Values of 0's and 1's, Hexadecimal - 0-9, A-F, ASCII - English data notational system (Characters, numbers, & symbols), Unicode - Non English notational system, Char - Single letter or number data type, String - More then one number or letter data type, Integer - Data type that has a number but no decimal place, Float - Data type of a number with a decimal place , Boolean - True or False values, Scripted, scripting, markup - Interpreted Languages, HTML, XML - MarkUp Languages, Interpreted - Type of language read line by line everytime, Compiled - Programming Language converted a single time and executed many times , Query - Programming Language used for Databases, Assembly - Low level language , Pseudo Code - Code used so people can read and understand what your intentions are, Flow Chart - Mapping out a program, Branching - If and then statements, Looping - While statements, Variables and constants - Data identifiers, Constants - What data identifier does not change, Variables - What data identifier does change, Arrays and Vectors - Data Containers, Array - Fixed length and can only hold one data type, data container, Vector - Dynamic in lenght and can hold multiple data types, Functions and Methods - Used to reuse code into smaller reusable chunks, Properties, attributes, and methods - Characteristics of an object,
Software Development/ Programming Logic
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