Polyneuritis - Inflammation of many nerves, Encephalomalacia - Softening of the brain , Kinesiology - Movement , Neurodynia - Pain in nerve, Cerebral Embolism - Floating clot in a blood vessel in the brain , Myelitis - Inflammation of the spinal cord , Sleep Apnea - A period of breathing cessation during sleep , Cephaloplasty - Surgical repair of the head , Ataxia - Without muscle coordination , Anesthesia - Without feeling of sensation , Analgesia - Without sensitivity to pain , Bradykinesia - Abnormally slow movement , Agraphia - Inability for a person to convert thoughts into writing , Narco - Stupor , Coma - Deep sleep in which a person can't be aroused , Dysphasia - Difficult speech , Aphasia - Inability to speak , Aura - "warning" of an epileptic seizure , Axon - Transports nerve impulses away from the nerve cell body , Dendrite - Receives impulses and conducts them onto nerve cell body , Hyperesthesia - Excessive sensitivity to pain/touch , Hemiplegia - Paralysis of one half of the body , Deficit - Neurological deficiency or variation of normal , Narcolepsy - Sudden, uncontrolled attack of sleep , Burr Hole - Hole drilled into the skull ,
Nervous System Vocabulary Review
Medical Terminology
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