class - evidence pointing to a group of people, individual - evidence pointing to one person, direct - evidence that is difficult to argue against, circumstantial - evidence that could be explainable for innocence, physical - tangible evidence, not something recalled, ridge pattern - the microscopic details of a fingerprint, loop - the fingerprint looking like a shoe lace entering and exiting the same side, whorl - the fingerprint looking like a circle, arch - the fingerprint looking like an upside-down U, eyewitness - a person who sees something happen, bias - using personal feelings and making judgements, IAFIS - database with fingerprints, mitochondrial DNA - the genetic linkage passed down through the mother; an exact match to people related by mother, DNA - the unique genetics of each person, exemplar - an example of a known person's writing, forgery - making or altering personal documents for deception, counterfeit - forgery of money, spike - small "fingers" reaching off a blood drop, satellite - small droplets associated with a blood drop, suspect - the person investigators believe committed a crime, victim - the person involved in a crime who is not a suspect, accelerant - a highly-flammable fuel used to start fire, arson - fire set with the intention of destruction, heat shadow - a pattern left by a fire when something is blocking the fire from another surface, objective - thinking about something without using emotions or personal beliefs, secure - the first and most important step at a crime scene, biological - x,
FS - Full Term Vocab #1
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
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