1) What is a Bracha Achronah? a) A blessing before eat b) A blessing after eating c) A blessing over a fragrance d) My last blessing of the day 2) What Bracha Achrona do i need to say if i ate a Bread Meal? a) HaMotzi b) Boreh Nefashot c) Birkat Hamazon d) Al HaMichya 3) The Bracha Achrona of Al Hamichya is said after eating a) Fruit b) Rice c) Bread d) Mezonot from the 5 species of grain 4) Al HaPerot is said after eating a) Any Fruits b) Fruits from the 7 Species c) 7 Species fruits together with other fruits 5) What is the Bracha Achrona of RIce? a) Al HaMichya b) Boreh Nefashot c) Birkat HaMazon d) Al HaPerot 6) If I drink Grape Juice and other drinks together, the Bracha Achrona i would say is a) Both Al HaGeffen and Boreh Nefashot b) Al HaGeffen Only c) Boreh Nefashot 7) Can i say Boreh Nefashot after eating just Mezonot? a) Yes, its like Shehakol and covers everything b) You can either say Boreh Nefashot or Al HaMichya c) No you can't, you can only say Al HaMichya

Brachot Achronot Quiz #1



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