Mindful : Paying such close attention to what someone is saying that you can repeat or explain it to someone else, Practicing a new skill during a sports practice or music lesson until you feel your body improving, Crossing the street after looking both ways, Being willing to try a new food that you've never tasted before, Helping someone in need, Listening when someone is speaking and not talking until they are finished, Keeping your microphone muted on Zoom while the teacher is talking, Unmindful: Deciding not to speak to someone because they have not spoken to you, Choosing to do something just because your friend says you should, Trying to do too many things at the same time, Rejecting a new food because it's something you've never had before, Daydreaming or "tuning out" what is happening around you , Intentionally ignoring a classmate who seems eager to join your game or group, Sending random things in the chat box during a Zoom class,

Mindful Thinking



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