Physiological Needs: Having shelter and clothing, Breathing, Food & Water, Sexual Reproduction, Safety Needs: Financial Security- putting money in a savings account, Moving into a safer neighborhood , Obtaining health insurance/health care, Living without fear of accident or injury , Love & Belonging Needs: Developing a romantic attachment to a partner, Becoming a member of a group or organization, Maintaining a positive relationship with one's family, Avoiding loneliness, depression and anxiety, Esteem Needs: The need for appreciation and respect, Feeling valued by others, Avoiding feelings of inferiority (not being as good as others), Accomplishing a task and having your work recognized, Self-Actualization Needs: Achieving ones full potential as a human being, The full use of ones talents, potential and capabilities, "What a man can be, he must be", Concerned with personal growth and not the opinions of others,

Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs Sort


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