Neutrality - Washington’s plan when it came to foreign countries, political parties are dangerous, avoid all permanent foreign alliances - advice from Washington’s Farewell Address, Federalists - political party had a loose interpretation of the Constitution, Democratic-Republicans - political party had a strict interpretation of the Constitution, Presidential cabinet - the group of people who give the president advice, John Adams - president during the XYZ Affair, Alien and Sedition Acts - President Adams took rights away from French Immigrants and made it a crime to publish articles that criticized the government. Violating the 1st Amendment., Nationalism - pride in your country, XYZ Affair - when French Agents attempted to collect a bribe from the US Government, Washington's Farewell Address - Stay neutral, avoid permanent alliances with foreign nations and do not form political parties, Reasons why political parties were formed - The interpretation of the constitution, the national bank, the power of the Fed. gov't, Embargo Act of 1807 - Jefferson frustrated with issues between trading with France and England ended all trade weakened the U.S. economy, Louisiana Purchase - Jefferson bought from the French doubled the size of the country in 1803, Year of Louisiana Purchase - 1803,

Early Republic-Washington, Adams and Jefferson


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