sterile - those who cannot conceive on their own, birth control - Tools used to help delay families from having children until they decide to conceive, family planning - When a couple decides how many children they want and when to have them, Family and Medical Leave act - A law that protects workers in larger companies for 12 weeks of unpaid time off, fertility counseling - determining reasons for the fertility problems and exploring treatment options, foregone income - the potential income lost by not being in the workforce. Ex- 1 parent stays home to raise child, indirect costs - the resources parents use to meet child-related costs that could have been used to meet other goals. These are not actual expenses. Ex- giving up a hobby to raise a child, infertile - Couples who cannot conceive within a year are called, maternity leave - Time MOMS take off of work for the birth or adoption of a child, paternity leave - Time off- usually unpaid for a set period of time off for the dad, surrogate mother - Replace the infertile couple's role in bearing a child,

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