1) Which of the following is not a type of movement associated with hinge joints? a) Flexion b) Extension c) Abduction 2) What type of joint is formed at the shoulder? a) Ball joint b) Hinge c) Ball and socket 3) The skeletal system protects: a) By producing red blood cells which fight disease b) By providing a hard structure over the organ needing protection c) By providing a structure for support 4) Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system? a) Movement b) Posture c) Support 5) What is the main range of movement possible at a knee joint? a) Abduction & adduction b) Flexion & extension c) Rotation 6) The range of movement that involves the angle at a joint increasing is known as: a) Abduction b) Extension c) Flexion 7) Rotation can be defined as: a) Circular movement around an axis b) The movement of a limb away from the body c) When the angle at a joint decreases 8) Which of the following is the most beneficial in your diet for ensuring a healthy skeleton? a) Vitamin D b) Vitamin C c) Protein 9) Which of the following is not a type of fracture? a) Compound b) Rupture c) Greenstick 10) Which of the following is not an example of a weight bearing activity? a) Running b) Cycling c) Athletics

Skeletal system quiz



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