1) Does air have mass? a) Yes b) No c) We have no idea 2) Which layer of the atmosphere has weather? a) exosphere b) thermosphere c) mesosphere d) stratosphere e) troposphere 3) Which layer of the atmosphere is the one that fades into space? a) exosphere b) thermosphere c) mesosphere d) stratosphere e) troposphere 4) Which layer of the atmosphere is the one the closest to the Earth? a) exosphere b) thermosphere c) mesosphere d) stratosphere e) troposphere 5) Which is the 2nd layer of the atmosphere? a) exosphere b) thermosphere c) mesosphere d) stratosphere e) troposphere 6) Which is the 3rd/middle layer of the atmosphere? a) exosphere b) thermosphere c) mesosphere d) stratosphere e) troposphere 7) Which is the 4th layer of the atmosphere? a) exosphere b) thermosphere c) mesosphere d) stratosphere e) troposphere 8) Which is the 5th layer of the atmosphere? a) exosphere b) thermosphere c) mesosphere d) stratosphere e) troposphere 9) What helps protect us from the sun's dangerous UV rays? a) weather b) greenhouse effect c) greenhouse gasses d) ozone e) solar winds 10) What is the correct order of layers of the atmosphere from closest to the Earth to furthest? a) thermo, meso, tropo, strato, exo b) exo, thermo, meso, strato, tropo c) tropo, strato, meso, thermo, exo d) meso, exo, tropo, strato, thermo e) tropo, thermo, meso, exo, strato f) strato, tropo, exo, thermo, meso 11) What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? a) Oxygen b) Nitrogen c) Carbon Dioxide d) Ozone
6th Grade
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