Amendment - A formal written change., Representative Government - Government in which voters elect representatives to make laws for them., Preamble - Opening statement of the Constitution., Judicial Review - The Supreme Court reviews laws that have been passed by Congress and signed by the president to determine if they violate the constitution., Three-Fifths Compromise - Every five slaves would be counted as three people to determine a state's population for the number of representatives in the House of Representatives., Legislative Branch - Branch consists of Congress that is responsible for making the laws., Checks and Balances - System set up by the Constitution in which each branch of the federal government has the power to check or control the actions of the other branches., Democracy - A system of government in which the supreme authority rests with the people., Articles of Confederation - First constitution of our country which created a weak central government with States having more power., Veto - When the president refuses to sign a bill passed by Congress into law., Judicial Branch - Branch consists of the Supreme Court and federal courts that are responsible for interpreting and explaining the laws., Great Compromise - Settled the dispute over representation by creating a two house legislature with one house based on population and the other house representation will be equal for all states., Separation of Powers - Principles by which the powers of the government are divided among separate branches., Constitution - A document that sets up the basic structure, functions, laws, powers, and principles of the government., Override - When Congress votes to approve a bill that the president has vetoed by both houses passing the bill with a 2/3 majority vote., Ratify - Means to approve., Impeachment - The process of accusing an elected official of wrongdoing (treason, giving or accepting bribes, or committing a crime), Elastic Clause - Allows Congress to stretch the meaning of its power to expand the meaning of the Constitution to take on issues that were not spelled out in 1787 when it was written., Federalism - The division of power between the national government and the states., Bill of Rights - The first ten amendments that tell about the basic rights that citizens of the US have to protect them from a strong central government., Anti-Federalists - Opposed the new constitution; believed that weak in the states too much and offered no protection for individual rights., Bill - Proposal for a new law., Executive Branch - Branch consists of the president of the United States which is responsible for enforcing the laws., Federalist - Supported the new Constitution and favored a strong national government,
Articles of Confederation to US Constitution Vocabulary
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