What region of Russia do you live in? Is it a popular destination for tourists?, How did the last trip that you’ve taken go?, What are the benefits of travel?, Who do you usually share your trip with?, What season do you think is the best for travelling?, Is there anything intresting in your region for travellers?, Where would you like to go if you have a chance? Why?, What are the most popular places for travelling?, What are the most popular world-famous attractions?, What country you would like to visit? Why?, Where and when did you travel last?, Do you agree that travelling is a sort of education?, Why is modern life impossible without travelling?, What is the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling?, Why is travelling by car very convenient?, Does seeing the sight and travelling in general broaden your mind?, What are some of the most common problems people face when they travel?, Have you travelled much around Russia?, Would you prefer travelling domestically or internationally? Why?, What kind of accommodation do you prefer to stay when you travel?.



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