carmelization - the browning of sugar, a process used in cooking that results in a sweet nutty flavor and brown color, coagulate - the process of a liquid changing to a solid or semi-solid state, concentrated dairy - having had water removed or reduced to result in a higher proportion of other nutrients (fat, carbohydrate, protein, etc.), cultured dairy - dairy foods that have been fermented with lactic acid bacteria, fortified - nutrients added in amounts greater than what is naturally there, homogenization - mechanical process that prevents the cream from rising to the surface of milk. Breaks globules of milk fat into tiny particles and spreads them throughout the milk., osteoporosis - a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue, pasteurization - milk is heat treated to destroy harmful bacteria., scorched - occurs when milk overheats and lactose rapidly carmelizes and burns, kefir - Fermented milk similar in taste to yogurt, curdle - when milk separates into solids and liquids due to high temperatures, acids, tannins, enzymes, and salts, emulsifier - An ingredient that brings two normally incompatible materials together and binds them into a uniform and fairly stable blend.,

Dairy Vocabulary


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