Police Officer - This person keeps me safe, Fire fighter - This person puts out fires, Nurse - This person helps the doctor, Doctor - This person takes care of you when you are sick, Teacher - This person helps me learn, Farmer - This person grows vegetables, Chef - This person cooks food, Waiter - This person brings me food, Mailman - This person brings me letters, Construction Worker - This person builds buildings, Dentist - This person takes care of my teeth, Baker - This person bakes sweet treats, Vet - This person takes care of sick animals, Plumber - This person fixes pipes, Janitor - This person cleans rooms, PIlot - This person flies an airplane, Astronaut - This person flies in space, Life Guard - This person protects me when I swim in the ocean, Mechanic - This person fixes my car, Electrician - This person fixes your electricity in your home,

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