Volcano - an opening in the earth's crust from which lava flows, Hill - land higher than the land around it, with a rounded top; smaller than a mountain, River - a thin natural waterway that allows water to flow into a lake or ocean, Peninsula - thin strip of land that extends into a body of water, Valley - low land between hills or mountains with more of a sloping sides, Canyon - low land between hills or mountains with very steep sides, Lake - a large natural area of water surrounded by land, Mountain - land that is taller than the land around it, rocky ground, and usually comes to a peak, Plains - a natural area of flat land or gently rolling land, Island - area of land that is completely surrounded by water, Plateau - an area of land that is higher than the land around it, but it is flat, Deltas - form at the END of rivers caused by dropping off of sediments and rocks, Dunes - forms in dry areas or along sandy coast, Oceans - large bodies of SALT Water,



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