ARSON - crime, fire, firefighter, CRIME - murder, stealing, arrest, POLICE - uniform, crime, call, JUDGE - court, lawyer, jury, BURGLARY - steal, break into, burgle, SMUGGLER - country, transport, smuggle, COURT - judge, jury, sentence, SHOPLIFTING - stealing, thief, shop, STEALING - take, shoplift, thief, THIEF - take, steal, burglar, KIDNAPPER - child, force, ransom, HIJACK - vehicle, plane, car, FORGERY - money, painting, copy, DEFENCE - protect, lawyer, trial, MUGGING - steal, attack, assualt, SET FIRE TO - firefighter, arson, fire, RANSOM - money, kidnapping, child, BREAK INTO - enter, force, burglary, CHARGE WITH - sentence, accuse, judge, SENTENCE TO - judge, prison, guilty, SPEEDING - driving, fast, car, GUILTY - innocent, arrest, crime, INNOCENT - guilty, crime, free, WITNESS - see, court, trial, JURY - court, trial, people, TRIAL - court, judge, crime, PROOF - witness, fingerprint, crime, TO ROB - steal, attack, mug, COURTROOM - judge, jury, criminal, ACCUSE OF - guilty, charge, stealing, CHEAT - fake, exam, partner, ATM - money, bank, hole-in-the-wall, KETTLE - boil, water, pot, TURN ON - switch on/off, turn off, TURN OFF - switch off/on, turn on, LOG IN - access, account, password, LOG OFF - access, internet, leave, INSTALL - setup, program, computer, PLUG IN - electricity, phone, charge, COMMIT A CRIME - steal, attack, prison, SERVE A SENTENCE - prison, guilty, murder, A FINE - money, speeding, ticket, PRISON - sentence, judge, crime, ESCAPE - prison, leave, break out, ARREST - police, crime, handcuffs, THEFT - stealing, burglary, money, LAWYER - defend, court, speak for, FINGERPRINT - proof, trial, crime scene, HANDCUFFS - arrest, police, court, SUSPECT - guilty, charge, crime.

Taboo - Crime B1/B2


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