Penis - Organ that releases semen and urine, Urethra - Tube that carries semen and urine to the outside of the body, Testicle - Glands that produce sperm and testosterone, Sperm - Male sex cell, Testosterone - Male hormone responsible for changes during puberty, Vas Deferens - Tubes that carry sperm from the epididymis, Epididymis - where mature sperm are stored before being released, Scrotum - Sac of loose skin that hangs below the penis and holds the testicles, Seminal Vesicle - Gland that provides a sugary nourishment or energy for the sperm, Prostate Gland - Gland that regulates urine flow & provides protection for the sperm, Semen - A combination of seminal vesicle fluid, prostate gland fluid and sperm that is released during ejaculation, Ejaculation - The release of semen from the male's penis, Erection - Increase of blood flow to the erectile tissue in the penis that causes it to stiffen and become larger, Bladder - Organ that holds urine until it is released,

Physiology-Male Reproductive System



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