Earth - This is one of the 8 planets that travels around the sun. It is the only planet in the solar system that can support life., sun - This is a star that is at the centre of the universe. It is a hot ball of gas that gives off lots of energy. Life on Earth depends on the Sun’s heat, light and warmth., moon - This is a large natural object that travels around the Earth. After the sun, it is the brightest object in the sky., spherical - An adjective to describe the shape of something as being like a sphere., rotates - A verb to describe when something spins or turns., orbits - A verb to describe when something travels around another object., star - A giant ball of gas held together by it’s own gravity., axis - An imaginary line that an object spins on. It runs from the North Pole to the South pole., planet - A large object that is round or nearly round, and which travels around the sun., The Solar System - This is the word used to describe the place where the planets, sun and moons exist., Someone who studies space science (astronomy).,

Space vocabulary


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