To play the taboo game you have to describe an item on the card without naming it or using the forbidden words.  - For each forbidden word that you do not use you earn one point., Bacon  - Forbidden words: breakfast, pork, crispy, strips., Grapefruit  - Forbidden words: citrus, pink, breakfast, bitter., Beetroot  - Forbidden words: red, vegetable, earthy, salad., Cauliflower  - Forbidden words: white, vegetable, florets, cruciferous., Olive  - Forbidden words: oil, tree, Mediterranean, black., Garlic  - Forbidden words: bulb, pungent, flavor, seasoning., Tomato  - Forbidden words: red, fruit, sauce, salad., Eggs  - Forbidden words: breakfast, protein, omelette, yolks., Fizzy drink  - Forbidden words: soda, carbonated, sweet, beverage., Steak  - Forbidden words: beef, grill, rare, juicy., Scrambled eggs - Forbidden words: breakfast, eggs, fluffy, skillet., Bitter  - Forbidden words: taste, flavor, coffee, chocolate., Healthy  - Forbidden words: lifestyle, diet, exercise, nutritious., Spicy  - Forbidden words: hot, flavor, chili, pepper., Ripe  - Forbidden words: fresh, fruit, mature, sweet., To boil  - Forbidden words: cook, water, pot, heat., To chop up  - Forbidden words: cut, dice, vegetables, knife., To slice  - Forbidden words: cut, knife, bread, thin., A diet  - Forbidden words: weight loss, nutrition, fad, restriction., A nutritionist  - Forbidden words: health, food, expert, advice., Cuisine  - Forbidden words: food, culture, cooking, dishes., Waitress - Forbidden words: server, restaurant, order, menu.,


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