1. It's important to learn how to ____ negative thoughts and emotions for better mental well-being. 2. It's time to open up and ____ new experiences and perspectives ____. 3. As part of my health routine, I regularly take ____ to ensure I'm getting essential vitamins and minerals. 4. Physical exercise and a balanced diet often go ____ in hand for a healthy lifestyle. 5. When I set a goal, I stick ____ it until I achieve it. 6. To improve our lives, we need to ____ our mindset and embrace a more positive outlook. 7. ____ our living space can help create a sense of calm and clarity in our minds. 1. Every morning, I take a moment to admire my ____ in the mirror. 2. After completing a task, it's important to give yourself a ____ to stay motivated. 3. It's essential ____ yourself for your accomplishments and milestones. 4. Many people experience ____ in social situations, but there are ways to overcome it. 5. Anxiety can manifest in different ways, ____ our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 6. Building ____ is a lifelong journey of self-acceptance and self-belief. 7. I couldn’t ____ more with the statement that self-confidence is the key to success. 1. It's essential to ____ your body with nutritious food to support your overall health. 2. I try to be ____ in my choices and actions, making deliberate decisions for a purpose. 3. Remember to ____ throughout the day by drinking enough water. 4. The key to a fulfilling life is finding a balance ____ work and play. 5. When it comes to certain temptations, like sweets or junk food, I keep my hands ____. 6. Sometimes, it's nice to splash ____ and treat ourselves to something special. 7. Time management can be a pain ____ for many people in today's fast-paced world. 8. I greatly ____ those who work hard and achieve their goals.

Wellness & beauty (vocab review)



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