Who? A Person or Character: Santa Claus, elf, Rudolph, Mrs. Claus, children, Grandma, Gingerbread Boy, Three Kings, What? An Object or Idea: Christmas Tree, Presents, Doll, Bicycle, Wreath, Star, Snowman, Candy Canes, When? A Time: Christmas Eve, Winter, December 25, at bedtime, Christmas Morning, Dinnertime, New Year's Day, Naptime, Where? A Place: Under the Tree, Down the Chimney, On Top of the Tree, Outside, Inside the Box, On the Table , In their Beds, The North Pole, Why? A Reason: Because it's Christmas Day, Because I like video games, So we won't be late to Grandma's house, Because I am on the Naughty List, Because the Sun Was Too Hot, Because the Cat Got Caught in the Tree, Because I don't have a chimney!, Because my old bike was broken.,

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