1) What is the writing that Jews live by a) Inherit the wind b) Bible c) book of genesis d) Torah 2) what amount of the world do Jews make up a) 1000 b) 45% c) 10% d) 1/5 of 1% 3) Where in the world do most Jews live a) United States and Isreal b) Isreal and China c) The US and Mexico d) Russia and Australia 4) What is the food that Jews eat every Friday? a) whatever they want b) Fried chicken c) fried noodle d) Challa 5) Which one is a Jewish Holiday a) Hannukah b) Independence day c) Hispanic heritage month 6) how many gods are there in Judaism? a) there isn't a very fine line b) 2 c) 3 d) 269 e) 582 f) 1



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