writed children's books, kiss his mother, played video games, waked up at 5 a.m., readed a novel, speaked English, practiced yoga, haved breakfast, washed his face, passed her exams, plaied video games, fixed motorcycles, taked a shower, watched Netflix, texted on the cellphone, checked his email, listened to music, goed to the university, studyed in the afternoon, made homework, eated a snack with friends, speak with her classmates, visited his family, run to take the bus, leaved home at 7:00, cryed every day, understanded the lesson, did exercise at the gym, love English class, taken lunch at UAO, slepted eight hours, driven her car to the university, riden his motorcycle, drunk water in class, walked to the bus station, cooked delicious food, brushed her hair, gotten dressed, put on makeup, buyed a guitar, called his girlfriend , danceed at night, sung reggaeton songs, teached at school, skied on snow in winter, spied secret information, catched criminals, brought a cake.

Present or Past simple. Is it correct? If not, make the correction!


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