Outlining - Organizing info into headings, subheadings. Can use Roman numerals, bullets, numbers etc., Cornell Notes - Note taking format with four sections. Topic, key ideas, notes, summary. , Thinking Maps - Graphic organizers or visual patterns that spatially match the note-taking material or text structure, objective, and thought processes., Phase 1 - Notetaking - Taking Notes, Phase 2 - Notetaking - Processing Notes, Phase 3 - Notetaking - Connecting Thinking, Phase 4 - Notetaking - Summarizing/ Reflecting, Phase 5 - Notetaking - Applying Learning, Fixed Mindset - Intelligence is - Static, Fixed Mindset - Challenge - Avoid Challenges, Fixed Mindset - Obstacles - Give up easily., Growth Mindset - Challenges - Embrace Challenges, Growth Mindset - Obstacles - Persist in the face of setbacks, Growth Mindset - Intelligence - Can be developed., Sketchnotes - Use a mix of lettering, doodles, drawings to take notes and emphasize, organize and connect ideas., Two or Three Column Charts - Can use these for pros/cons, facts/opinions, title/summary/theme., Fixed Mindset - Criticism - Ignore useful negative feedback, Fixed Mindset- Success of Others - Feel threatened by the success of others, Fixed Mindset - Outcome - They may plateau early and achieve less that their potential., Growth Mindset - Criticism - Learn from criticism , Growth Mindset - Success of others - Find lesson and inspiration in success of others, Growth Mindset - Outcome - Reach ever-higher levels of achievement.,
1st Block - Professional Communications - Week 1 Review
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