1) I'm crazy a) at b) in c) about d) with 2) I'm disappointed a) at b) in c) with d) about 3) I'm bad a) in b) at c) about d) with 4) I'm keen a) in b) at c) on d) with 5) I'm excited a) with b) about c) in d) at 6) I'm obsessed a) about b) with c) in d) at 7) I'm mad a) with b) about c) on d) at 8) I'm good a) in b) at c) about d) with 9) I'm passionate a) with b) at c) about d) in 10) I'm afraid a) of b) in c) at d) on 11) I'm serious a) about b) with c) in d) at 12) I'm involved a) in b) at c) on d) with 13) I'm worried a) with b) in c) on d) about 14) I'm useless a) in b) on c) at d) about

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