Can you tell about something you love?, Can you tell about something you hate?, Can you tell about something you really care about?, Can you tell about someone you dislike?, Can you tell about a dream you've had?, Can you tell about a goal you have?, Can you tell about something you believe in?, Can you tell about an accident you've seen?, Can you tell about a time when you were happy?, Can you tell about a time when you were frightened?, Can you tell about something beautiful?, Can you tell about something delicious?, Can you tell about something boring?, Can you tell me about a boss you had?, Can you tell me about the hardest thing you ever had to do?, Can you tell me about a time you lied?, Can you tell me about a mistake you made?, Can you tell me about something you've achieved?, Can you tell me about the worst punishment you had when you were a child?, Can you tell me about someone you admire?, Can you tell me about your worst vacation?, Can you tell me about a problem you have now?, Can you tell me about a prize you won?, Can you tell me about your fears?, Can you tell me about a time you felt really proud?, Can you talk about three things you like about yourself?, Can you talk about three things you dislike about yourself?, Can you talk about three things that scare you?, Can you talk about three things you need to do everyday?, Can you talk about three things you are wearing now?, Can you talk about three things you want to do in the next twelve months?, Can you talk about three things you want in a relationship?, Can you talk about three things you can't do?, Can you talk about three things you want to do before the end of the year?, Can you talk about three cities you would like to visit?, Can you talk three people who have influenced your life?, Can you name three things you need everyday?, Can you name two things you really want to buy right now?, What are three things you did yesterday?, Wh are two people that you miss a lot?, What are two favorite subjects of yours in college?, What is your funniest memory in high school?, What were the two things you were recently irritated about?, What were the two last things that made you happy?, What were the last two drinks of alcohol you had?, Can you think of two celebrities you really want to meet?.
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