Loop Block - Lets you repeat a section of code (this ex-10 times), Move Forward Block - Make both wheels turn at the same time to drive forward, Move Turn Block - Makes the robot turn, you control how much it turns and the rotations/degrees/number of seconds, Start Block - Marks the beginning of a sequence of code, Sound Block - Plays a sound- EX: Hello!, Wait Block - Stops the robot for a period of time, Ada Lovelace - This person is considered to be our first computer programmer., Computer - a machine that received data, processes the data and outputs it, robot - a machine that follows a program, commands - instructions for the computer, stored programs - A series of stored instructions, computer programming - a form of problem solving- identify problem, design a solution, test the solution, document the solution, computer programmer - a person who identifies a problem that the robot will solve and make the plan for solving it., move backward block - Make both wheels turn at the same time to drive backward, set motors block - Sets the motors to use the specific ports, Where was Ada Lovelace born? - England, Who was Ada Lovelace's Father? - Lord Byron, Who invented the Analytical Engine? - Charles Babbage, What did Ada Lovelace's paper about the analytical engine show? - computers could create art and music,
Robotics Quiz 2024
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