Plagiarism - Stealing someone else's work and pretending it is yours , Fabrication - to make things up. , Bias - a preference, belief, attitude, or opinion that hinders impartial judgment. A journalist may not even know they've committed this breach. , types of bias - Language choice, Lack of balance, Lack of fairness, missing info, unnecessary info, opinion, Language Choice - should avoid words that imply an opinion , fairness - If there are two or more sides t a news story needs to reflect all the viewpoints., Missing information - should not withhold information unless there is a good reason to do so, should not include information that is tasteless and irrelevant to the story. - Unnecessary Information, If a j a particular connection to a story, or a stake in the outcome - Conflict of Interest, to take money from a source or someone who wants publicity in exchange for coverage. That is a bribe, sometimes called payola in the media business. - Payola, pay sources for information. - Checkbook journalism, Most journalistic codes of ethics state in order to avoid ________ that journalists need to identify themselves and their intentions - Misrepresentation,
Journalism Unit 2: Doing the Wrong Thing
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