1) What's your favourite animal? 2) Do you like going to zoos to see animals? 3) Do you have any pets? 4) Do you like learning about animals? 5) Do you like feeding animals? 6) What animals are the most dangerous? 7) What animals are the most beautiful? 8) Do you llike taking pictures of animals? 9) What animals are there in Ukraine? 10) What is the most useful animal in the world? 11) What animal best represents your character? 12) Should animals be kept in zoos? 13) Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country? 14) What are some of the most unusual animals in the world? 15) Are you a “dog person” or a “cat person”? 16) Do you think animals have emotions? 17) Do you think animals can understand human emotions? 18) How many animals can you name in English? 19) What is your least favorite animal? Why? 20) Are you afraid of any animals?

Animals. Prepare 6. Unit 16



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