1) The person who gives you a job is your ___________. a) employer b) employee c) paycheck d) health insurance 2) Money you get every other week or month for your job is your ___________. a) percent b) paycheck c) affordable d) for free 3) A person who works for someone else is an ___________. a) employer b) veteran c) employee d) Obama 4) If you do not have to pay to get something, it is ___________. a) affordable b) low-income c) income d) for free 5) The law that helps people get health care is called ___________. a) veteran b) disability c) Obamacare (ACA) d) employer 6) Someone who was in the army, is a ___________. a) employee b) employer c) disability d) veteran 7) This is a sign for __________. a) health insurance b) disability c) paycheck d) percent 8) If something is not too expensive and you can buy it, it is ___________. a) income b) affordable c) for free d) percent 9) To buy insurance through Obamacare, you need to earn ________________ $ 14,580 a year. a) income b) at least c) low-income d) affordable 10) The money you earn from your job is your ___________. a) employee benefits b) income c) employer d) health insurance 11) Employers sometimes give ______________ to employees, such as health insurance. a) employee benefits b) paycheck c) percent d) affordable 12) A plan that helps pay for doctors and medicine is ___________. a) employee b) health insurance c) Obamacare (ACA) d) employer 13) The employers usually pays 60-90 __________ of your health insurance. a) paycheck b) disability c) percent d) veteran 14) People with not much money are called ___________ people.. a) affordable b) at least c) health insurance d) low-income

health insurance



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