1) What does "play with fire" mean? a) To play games near a fire. b) To do something very dangerous. c) To cook something over a fire. d) To keep warm using a fire. 2) What does "in safe hands" mean? a) Holding something safely in your hands. b) Someone who is reliable is taking care of it. c) Wearing gloves d) Keeping your hands in your pockets. 3) What does "on the safe side" mean? a) To be next to a safe. b) To be on the side of a road that is safe. c) To be extra careful d) To play a game safely 4) What does "cry wolf" mean? a) To make a sound like a wolf. b) To call for help when you really need it. c) To find a wolf d) To call for help when you don't need it 5) _____________ is playing with fire. a) Following all traffic rules b) Running across the road without looking c) Brushing your teeth twice a day d) Eating healthy foods 6) You're playing with fire if you ________. a) start to prepare for a job interview 10 minutes before it. b) save money for future. c) wear a helmet when biking d) follow the school rules 7) My grandmother feels she's in safe hands when ________. a) she's walking alone at night b) nobody is around to help c) she forgets the way home d) she visits her trusted doctor 8) The broken glass was in safe hands when ________. a) they are left on the floor b) no one was looking after it. c) it was carefully picked up and thrown away d) kept under the mattress for safety. 9) She decided to ________ to be on the safe side. a) walk home alone at midnight b) check the weather forecast before leaving her home. c) share her personal information online d) skip the weather warnings 10) To stay on the safe side, it's best to ________. a) keep a first aid kit in your car b) spend all your money at once c) travel without any plans d) swimming during a thunderstorm 11) If you cry wolf too often, people might not believe you when ________. a) improve your English b) you have done your homework c) you tell the truth every time d) you really need help 12) He cried wolf about being sick so often that ________. a) everyone helps him b) his friends stopped believing him c) he became healthier d) had see a real wolf in the backyard



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