NOP: Organisation staff chart, Plan of the building, Alarm systems, Emergency equipment, Details of the pool(s), Pool equipment and features, Maximum bather load/occupancy, Control of access/admission, Dealing with the public, Potential risk factors, Pool rules, Lifeguard responsibilities, duties, and arrangements, Technology, Staff uniform, Safe systems of work/work instructions, Operational systems, Dealing with contractors, Training and competency requirements of all staff, First aid provisions and training, Condition of hire to outside organisations, EAP: Overcrowding, Disorderly behaviour (including violence to staff), Broken glass in the pool, Lack of water clarity, Lighting failure, Structural failure, Electrical failure, Outbreak of fire, Controlled or partial building evacuation, Bomb threat / terrorism threat /discovery of suspicious package, Serious injury to a swimming pool user, Discovery of a casualty in the water (including drowning), Lost, found, or left child, Faecal release in the swimming pool, Dealing with blood, vomit, urine and needles and sharps, First aid, Weather conditions - weather that impacts safety (e.g. outdoor pools), Robbery or theft, Failure of technology, Accident, incident, and follow-up action,




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