oh my god, laugh out loud, A: I have to go to class now. B: Ok, TTYL!  - Talk to Your Later, A: I'll bring snacks for our party. B: Thanks! BTW, do you want to come for a dinner together?  - By The Way, A: Are you still there? B: Sorry, I need to use the bathroom. BRB.  - Be Right Back, A: I saw a sale at the bookstore. B: Oh, really? FYI, I have a discount coupon we can use. - For Your Information, A: What time does the movie start? B: IDK, let me check the schedule. - I Don't Know, A: Do you like my new haircut? B: TBH, I think it's not very good. - To Be Honest, A: Thank you so much for helping me with my homework. B: YW! Always happy to help - You're Welcome, A: I'm sorry for being late. B: NP at all, I was reading a book. - No Problem,

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