True: Olga drives more carefully than Bill., Taxis are much more expensive than buses or the subway., Anne's not as tall as Susie, but she's thinner., Can you say that again more slowly, please? I didn't understand a word!, What's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to you?, I think we should take this case. It's the biggest one that we have., I read a lot faster than my brother. I finished the book, and he's still on page 30., False: Riding a bike to work is more quickly than walking., My dad has least hair now than he had five years ago., Now that I've tried them on, these shoes are more comfortable that I thought they were going to be., In this photo you look more young than your sister., My phone is moderner than yours. It's got a better camera., I love riding my scooter, it's much more better than driving a car., It's the most beautiful beach I've never been to. The ocean looks amazing., Sean's the worse actor in the group, but he's the best singer., Everyone thinks their mom's cooking is the best of the world., Which sofa looks the more nice do you think? The blue one or the red one?, It's usually hoter here in June than it is in May., Did you go to the same school than your brother?, That restaurant over there is fantastic. It's cheap, and you can eat as many food as you like.,
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