wash your hair with mashed potatoes or bathe in gravy?, eat in a large group or just your immediate family?, cook the entire thanksgiving meal or clean up and do all the dishes?, Eat dinner at 10 am or 10 pm?, eat a piece of pumpkin pie made with salt or eat potatoes with 3 flies?, cook the whole meal for family or volunteer at a homeless shelter on Thanksgiving?, eat only cranberry sauce for the day or only gravy?, Have your teacher over on Thanksgiving or eat at your teacher's house?, write a 5 paragraph essay on Thanksgiving or solve a page of word problems?, Have the best tasting meal with strangers or eat "only ok" meal with your family?, Get to lead the Thanksgiving day parade or eat at the White House with the President?, Tell about your family traditions for Thanksgiving, Tell about your family's Thanksgiving meal, What are 3 things you are thankful for this year?, What will you do over Thanksgiving break?, 3 favorite Thanksgiving foods, 3 Thanksgiving foods you DO NOT EAT.




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