1) The steep fall in the prices of stocks due to widespread financial panic on "Black Tuesday," October 29, 1929. a) stock market crash b) Great Depression c) bread lines d) unemployment rate e) hooverville f) Bank Crisis 2) A major cause of the Great Depression when large numbers of anxious people withdrew their deposits in cash, forcing thousands of banks to close a) Bank Crisis b) Great Depression c) Dust Bowl d) bread lines e) Fireside Chats f) stock market crash 3) region of the Great Plains that experienced a decade long drought in 1930s, forcing many farmers without homes or work to leave a) hooverville b) Dust Bowl c) bread lines d) Bank Crisis e) Great Depression f) economic depression 4) Groups of hungry people waiting outside charitable organizations for free meals during the Great Depression a) bread lines b) hoovervilles c) Bank Crisis d) dust bowl e) unemployment rate f) Fireside Chat 5) measures the number of people who are able to work, but do not have a job during a period of time. a) Dust Bowl b) unemployment rate c) bread lines d) Fireside Chats e) hoovervilles f) stock market crash 6) Groups of hungry people waiting outside charitable organizations for free meals during the Great Depression a) bread lines b) hoovervilles c) Dust Bowl d) poverty e) Social Security f) stock market crash 7) government system of unemployment insurance and care for dependent mothers and children, the handicapped, and guaranteed retirement payments for enrolled workers beginning at age 65 a) Bank Crisis b) Fireside Chats c) Social Security d) Great Depression e) New Deal f) economic depression 8) a period when business activity slows, prices and wages drop, and unemployment rises a) economic depression b) New Deal c) Social Security d) Fireside Chats e) Bank Crisis f) unemployment rate 9) inability to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter a) Fireside chats b) unemployment rate c) hooverville d) poverty e) stock market crash f) Great Depression 10) a severe, worldwide economic disaster which included high unemployment and overproduction. Lasted from the end of 1929 to the outbreak of World War II. a) stock market crash b) Bank Crisis c) Great Depression d) bread lines e) hoovervilles f) Fireside Chats 11) informal talks given by FDR over the radio that increased the confidence of the people a) Fireside Chats b) unemployment rate c) breadlines d) poverty e) hooverville f) Bank Crisis 12) group of shacks in which homeless lived during the Great Depression a) bread lines b) Bank Crisis c) poverty d) hooverville e) unemployment rate f) economic depression 13) a series of interventions enacted by the Franklin Roosevelt administration between 1933 and 1942 with the goal of ending the Great Depression. a) Bank Crisis b) Great Depression c) New Deal d) Dust Bowl e) poverty f) hooverville

Escape the Great Depression


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