1) A cart that is filled is harder to push than a cart that is empty. a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law 2) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law 3) A seatbelt catching you when the car stops abruptly. a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law 4) Law of Acceleration a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law 5) Law of Action/Reaction a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law 6) Law of Inertia a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law 7) Inertia a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law 8) A rocket launching a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law 9) F=MA a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law 10) Objects that have more mass will require more force to accelerate at the same rate. a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law 11) An object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion, unless acted on by an unbalanced force. a) First Law b) Second Law c) Third Law

Newton's 3 Laws!


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