1) The howl of the wolves echoed through the night. I could feel cold sweat dripping down my back. The darkness hung around me like a blanket and I shivered. a) I ate my dinner outside. b) I was afraid at night. c) I was feeling adventurous. 2) The puppy came bounding in from outside with a trail of dirt behind him. His tail wagged so ferociously he knocked over a bottle on the table. a) The dog is happy. b) The dog is scared. c) The dog is in trouble. 3) Which has to do with the sense of sound? a) The awful smell coated my nostrils. b) The heat from the salsa warmed my lips. c) The thunder boomed through the night. 4) Which of these has to do with the sense of feeling? (touch) a) My heart dropped into my stomach when I saw the tall rollercoaster. b) I smiled at the smell coming from the cookies. c) I tapped my foot to the playful tunes. 5) Which sentence has to do with the sense of smell? a) My eyes squinted against the bright light. b) The sweet juice rushed over my tongue. c) The thick smells danced down the hallway. 6) Which of these sentences has to do with the sense of sight? a) I watched as the two cats raced through the trees like birds in the sky. b) The smell of wet dog hung in the air. c) The chocolate melted in my mouth. 7) Which of these sentences has to do with sound? a) I bit my lip and tasted copper. b) The sharp sound of seagulls echoed across the shore. c) I watched the grass ripple in the breeze.

Sense Imagery


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