immigrant - A person who comes to live in a new country from another country., public school - A school that is run by the government. It is free for students., private school - A school that is not run by the government. Parents pay for their children to attend, preschool - A school for very young children, usually before they start kindergarten., kindergarten - The first year of elementary school for young children, usually around age five., elementary school - A school for young children from kindergarten to fifth or sixth grade., junior high school - A school for grade 6 to 8., senior high school - A school for teenagers in grades nine to twelve., post-secondary education - Education that comes after high school, like college or university., university - Similar to college. A place for higher education, trade school - A school that teaches skills for particular jobs, like plumbing or electrician work., frequent - Something that happens often or many times., tuition - Money paid for a school, college, or university., costly - Expensive, costing a lot of money., cosmetology - beauty services, like hair styling, makeup, and skincare.,

Education in the US



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