booking - an arrangement you make to have a hotel room, tickets, etc. at a particular time in the future, confirmation - a statement, often written, that an arrangement or meeting is certain, available - able to be bought or used, down - When you turn _____ a radio, heater, or other piece of equipment, you reduce the amount of sound or heat being produced, by adjusting the controls, blast - If something such as a radio or a heater / air conditioner is on full _____, or at full _____, it is producing as much sound or power as it is able to., deposit - an amount of money that you pay when you rent something, and is returned to you when you return the thing you have rented, account - take sth into _____ = to consider or remember something when judging a situation, mickey - take the _____ (out of sb) = to laugh at someone and make them seem silly, in a funny or unkind way, ridiculous - stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at, hazard - something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage, suffocate - to (cause someone to) die because of not having enough oxygen, bear - It doesn't _____ thinking about = It's too unpleasant or frightening to think about, pocket - If you are out of _____, you have less money than you should have or than you intended, for example because you have spent too much or because of a mistake.,
Outcomes B2 U6L2 Listening: nice vocab crossword
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