1. Lisa buys insurance for her car. If her car is damaged, the ____ will help pay for repairs. 2. The ____ brings our mail every afternoon. He walks from house to house delivering letters and small boxes. 3. Anna put a stamp on her letter; this is her ____. 4. Karen always puts a ____ on her packages. If the package can’t be delivered, it will be sent back to her. 5. Mark’s package was checked at ____. They wanted to make sure he wasn’t bringing anything illegal. 6. Jenny received a ____ from her friend overseas. Inside was a gift for her birthday. 7. When filling out an address, don't forget the ____. 8. Always keep your ____ from the store. It's proof you paid for something. 9. When you send a package, you get a ____. You can enter this number online to see where your package is. 10. Sara sent a postcard to her friend in Italy by ____. It arrived faster than if it had been sent by ship or car. 11. Our house has a ____ in the front door. The postal carrier drops the mail right into our house through this slot. 12. Before sending her letter, Maria put a ____ in the top right corner of the envelope. 13. She went to the ____ at the post office to mail her package. At the counter, a worker helped her choose the best shipping option.

Going to the Post Office



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