1) When is it legitimate for a police officer to use violence? 2) How can an officer remain impartial? 3) Should law enforcement visibly wear guns in public? 4) How much force is too much? 5) Investigate possible ethical implications associated with true crime podcasts. 6) Should prostitution be legal in the US? 7) How ethical is interrogation? 8) Can torture be justified? 9) Discuss the ethical consequences of lying when working in criminal justice. 10) Is working undercover deception? 11) Debate whether it is an American citizen’s moral duty to participate in jury duty. 12) Should the police be allowed to access everyone’s data? 13) Discuss the moral complications of “innocent until proven guilty.” 14) Should convicted pedophiles be allowed to see their children? 15) Can teaching ethics at schools prevent crime? 16) Should NATO have become involved in America’s Afghan war? 17) What are the ethical implications of shooter drills at school? 18) How should we deal with child soldiers? 19) Examine the ethical problems of private prisons. 20) What moral obligations should someone consider when granting prisoners the right to work? 21) When is capital punishment justified? 22) Is it ethical to incarcerate juvenile offenders?

Criminal Justice Ethics Debates


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